If you have a terrible tooth pain, I have the perfect home remedy for toothache. There are lots of home remedies for tooth infection, but this homeopathic remedy is a miracle worker.
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My husband, Russ, has a tooth that had been crowned twice. At one point, it began to get infected. The dentist told him it needed to come out, but he was putting it off as long as possible. Every time it would begin to hurt, he would take a round of antibiotics and it would subside.
But…his luck finally ran out! Eventually, his tooth started hurting and the antibiotics didn’t work. He was in so much pain and nothing would help. Of course, it was over a weekend, so we had to wait until Monday to even see an oral surgeon.
Trying different home remedy for toothache
In the meantime, he tried Orajel. It helped relieve the pain for a while, but then it stopped working. I dipped a cotton ball in whiskey so he could put it on the tooth. That worked for a while too, but then it stopped. I read that rinsing with salt water was a great home remedy for toothache. Again, it helped for a while, but then it didn’t. We had some friends suggest biting on a clove to help with the pain, but he wasn’t willing to try this. Nothing would help subside the pain.
Fast forward a few days, and he had to have his tooth pulled. A bone graft was done so he can eventually have an implant. The doctor said people rarely get dry sockets with bone grafts, but if they do there is nothing that can be done. The reason nothing can be done is because the dry socket would be underneath the bone graft.
Finding the perfect home remedy for toothache
Guess what…yup! Russ got a dry socket. The pain was so intolerable the pain pills the dentist prescribed weren’t helping. Again, I kept searching on the Internet for home remedies for tooth infections and I kept reading that cloves are a good home remedy for toothache. A friend told me she had a dry socket and used clove oil and it worked like a charm. I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands. I called around until I found a grocery store with a homeopathic section that carried clove oil.
Russ was in so much pain I basically didn’t give him a choice with the clove oil. I told him to open up and I was putting this oil on the spot where the tooth had been pulled. Apparently, the taste of the clove oil is disgusting, so I gave him a cup to spit out the leftovers. I did this a couple of times. After a few hours, and a few more drops of clove oil, it was as though Russ never had a toothache. This home remedy for toothache was amazing.
home remedies for tooth infection
Russ could not believe how well this clove oil worked. He said it is like a miracle and that he thinks it works better than prescription strength pain pills. He also said it worked so well the doctor should be prescribing it to the patients.
If you get toothaches often, I would highly recommend keeping a stash of clove oil on hand. A small caution, there is clove oil that is an essential oil that is not to be ingested. The clove oil I found can be ingested. It is a homeopathic remedy.
Next time you have a terrible toothache, go for the clove oil!! This home remedy for toothache is worth keeping on your shelf. It’s totally worth the yucky taste.
Wow! Good to know! I’d much rather use natural remedies like this than take pain meds.
I have never heard of clove oil… my daughter as tooth pain from time to time, I’m sharing this information with her?
I love any type of natural product that is safer than over the counter meds. I will definitely be keeping this in mind he next time I get a toothache!
VERY good to know. I’m always resistant to use drugs for something that could be fixed with natural remedies. Thanks for sharing!